Hi! My name's Ashley but everyone calls me Ash. I'm a freelance product design leader with 10+ years of experience, partnering with startups and companies to build scalable products, systems & teams.
I am a product designer, creative native, an entrepreneur, an illustrator, an activist and a constant wo/anderer. I am self-taught first and college-educated later. I designed my first websites in Microsoft Word (yes, you've read that right!) and my current projects in Figma. In the past, I founded a community-based, open-source news startup and Europe's largest volunteer NGO. I have a dog named Rufus and a visitor-bat named Oliver. My pronouns are she/her.
When I'm not designing, I read every book I get my hands on, build miniatures and advocate for humanitarian rights.
I have a passion for solving problems with a collaborative approach that's grounded in both user experience and strategy. Having worked with a broad range of clients in different fields, I understand the need to craft something that not only attracts but also connects various audiences.
I like to build fast, iterate a lot and question my own personal biases. I design for people not users and value usability, inclusivity, accessibility and equality. I enjoy wearing multiple hats and have dabbled in numerous fields including branding, marketing, and packaging design.
Check out my resume for a comprehensive overview of my professional experience. Read my manifesto to gain an understanding of my core values, providing a deeper understanding of who I am and what I stand for.
If you wanna chat about collaboration opportunities, design things or, quite frankly, anything else, shoot me a message!